Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

ANR Investissement Avenir Iceberg project (2011-2016) coordinated by Grégory Batt, with Pascal Hersen (MSC lab, Paris Diderot Univ./CNRS), Reiner Veitia (Institut Jacques Monod, Paris Diderot Univ./CNRS), Olivier Gandrillon (BM2A lab, Lyon Univ./CNRS), Cedric Lhoussaine (LIFL/CNRS), and Jean Krivine (PPS lab, Paris Diderot Univ./CNRS).

ANR Blanc Net-WMS-2 (2011-2015) on “constraint optimization in Wharehouse Management Systems”, coordinated by F. Fages, with N. Beldiceanu, Ecole des Mines de Nantes, EPI TASC, and Abder Aggoun, KLS optim.

ANR Cosinus Syne2arti project (2010-2013) coordinated by Grégory Batt, with Oded Maler, CNRS Verimag, Dirk Drasdo, EPI Bang, and Ron Weiss, MIT.

ANR Blanc BioTempo project (2010-2013) coordinated by Anne Siegel, CNRS IRISA Rennes, with Ovidiu Radulescu, U. Montpellier, Irina Rusu, U. Nantes.

ANR Syscomm project CALAMAR (2009-2011) “Compositional modeling and Analysis of LArge MoleculAr Regulatory networks - application to the control of human cell proliferation.”, coordinated by C. Chaouiya, TAGC INSERM Marseille, L. Calzone, Institut Curie, Paris,

AE REGATE (2008-) on the “REgulation of the GonAdoTropE axis”, coordinated by Frédérique Clément, SISYPHE, with E. Reiter, INRA Tours, J.P. Françoise, Univ. Paris 6, B. Laroche Orsay, P. Michel Centrale Lyon, N. Ayache ASCLEPIOS, A. Goldbeter, ULB Bruxelles.

AE COLAGE (2008-) on the “control of growth and aging in E. coli using synthetic biology approaches”, coordinated by H. Berry, COMBINING, with F. Taddei, A. Lindner, INSERM Necker, H. de Jong, D. Ropers, IBIS, J.-L. Gouzé, and M. Chaves, COMORE.

GENCI (2009-) attribution of 300000 computation hours per year on the cluster SGI of 10000 processors at CINES, Montpellier.